You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13 (NIV)

Your are the salt of the earth proclaimed the Lord. This statement came after he had talked about the blessedness of people in the “Sermon on the Mount” Do you feel blessed and giving flavor on earth because of the “saltiness” your life brings? Natural salt is estimated to have more than 14,000 different ways it can be used, from the making of products as varied as plastic, paper, rubber and fertilizers to soaps, detergents and dyes. Of these, it is estimated that 68% of s a l t  i s  u s e d  i n  i n d u s t r i a l chemicals, 6% each in food and agricultural products, 12% in water conditioning and 8% for deicing. If natural salt can be used in more than 14,0000 ways then “salt” described by Christ will work in ways that far exceed this in His kingdom. Are you bringing positive difference to your community?

To become the S.A.L.T of the earth, you must Serve the Almighty Lord in Truth. God describes himself as a jealous God who must be served alone (Exodus 34:14) Do you wholly follow this instruction? Have you made other gods that you worship inadvertently? Your jobs, cars, or the pursuit of success of any kind which takes up all your time? He says, he is Lord of all (Deuteronomy 10:17). Are His instructions guiding you? Are there any other lords in your life? He describes Himself as the almighty God (Exodus 6:3). Do you doubt His power and ability to bring His desired change in life? Do not forget that Christ has an excellent name, conquered all principalities and powers and He has been given all the powers in heaven and earth.

Despite these assurances you may be afraid to take the bold steps needed in bringing the desired change and/ or speak the truth in certain situations. Do not forget His promises: He has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) but that of adoption where we call him Abba father (Romans 8:15). He declares that He is the Truth (John 14:6) Are you “Salt to the earth” or have you lost your saltiness? Are you serving the Almighty Lord in truth? All one has is relative truth but one tends to compromise on some of the Saviors truths, sometimes in the contest of “culture, correctness or being kind” Ponder over these and If you are losing your flavor, resolve to Serve the Almighty Lord in Truth as this nature has the potential of bringing positive changes to your environment-  Amen

Dr Rex