Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven. Matthew 6:10


Heaven sounds futuristic, a distant hope, an experience to be had when one passes on. Are these thoughts true? When one considers the above scripture, it emphasises that heaven must be experienced down here on earth. In other words heaven is an experience not a location.This statement, “Heaven is an experience” is captured in the acronym H.E.A.V.E.N; Having and Experiencing the Almighty’s Victories at Every Negotiation. You do not need to wait for a place in the future. You need to have and experience the Almighty’s victories here on earth. The experiences of the kingdom of heaven is what the Lord points out to Christians.

First he states, we should change our thinking (repent) for the kingdom of heaven is near.  Paul affirmed this position when he said, be not conformed to this world but rather our minds need to be transformed (Romans 12:1-3) to experience heaven on earth rather than heaven after death.

This transformed mind has childlike faith, one that believes in the power of the spoken word and appreciates the growth potential within the kingdom. The transformed mind understands the need for patience till maturation, and the power of positively influencing  the surroundings. The transformed mind does not put any confidence in the flesh but rather in Christ, the power in His name and His resurrection.

With this in mind, material things should not be our focus. Apostle Paul alluded to this point when he said, I count all these (tradition, nation, tribe, language, self belief, own set of righteousness) as loss in order to gain the knowledge and experience of the power of Christ (Philippians 3:1-10 paraphrased) What is not working in your life? Are you feeling inadequate? Are you feeling disappointed and dejected because your goals have not been attained?

You need to know the word, meditate on the word and apply the word to your daily life to enjoy heaven on earth successfully, just as the Lord instructed Joshua: “Let the words from the book of the law be always on your lips. Meditate on them day and night so that you may be careful to live by all that is written in it. If you do, as you make your way through this world, you will prosper and always find success “(Joshua 1:8).As you change your way of thinking to focusing, meditating and applying the word, may you experience Heaven here on earth.  Amen

Dr Rex

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